Research Conferences and Presentations 2024
- PHQ-9 and HAM-A in Depression and Anxiety Improved using Tao Calligraphy and Mantra Chanting – A Randomized Control Blind Study. VI International Congress for Integrative Medicine, Integrative Medicine – Integrative Oncology, Exponor Porto Portugal, December 6-7, 2024. Genevive Julien, PsyD. Click for ABSTRACT.
- Quality of Life SF36 Scores Improved using Calligraphy Meditation and Chanting Mantra – a Three years study; VI International Congress for Integrative Medicine, Integrative Medicine – Integrative Oncology, Exponor Porto Portugal, December 6-7, 2024. Peter Hudoba MD, FRCS; Cynthia Hamilton, PhD; Amy Yamashiro, EdD; Jamie Chow, BSc, Msc. Click for ABSTRACT.
- PHQ-9, HAM-A and BDI Scores in Depression and Anxiety improved using Calligraphy Meditation and Chanting Mantra – A Randomized Controlled Blind Study; XVI European Congress for Integrative Medicine, Integrative Medicine, The Challenge, Madrid November 15-17, 2024. Genevive Julien, PsyD, Peter Hudoba MD, FRCS; Jaime Chow, MSc, Joan Luk; Michell Rudacille. Click for ABSTRACT.
- Mindfulness Practice in Tao Calligraphy Field Improves Clinical Outcome in Very Severe Aplastic Anemia (VSAA). XVI European Congress for Integrative Medicine, Integrative Medicine, The Challenge, Madrid November 15-17, 2024. Consuelo Fernandez MD, Cynthia Hamilton, PhD, Peter Hudoba MD. Click for ABSTRACT.
- Quality of Life SF36 Scores Improved using Calligraphy Meditation and Chanting Mantra – a Three years study; XVI European Congress for Integrative Medicine, Integrative Medicine, The Challenge, Madrid, November 15-17, 2024. Peter Hudoba MD, FRCS; Cynthia Hamilton, PhD; Amy Yamashiro, EdD; Jamie Chow, BSc, Msc. Click for ABSTRACT.
- A Case of Very Severe Aplastic Anemia (VSAA) Improved with Tao Calligraphy Mindfullness Practices. 21st International Conference of the Society for Integrative Oncology, Costa Mesa, USA, October 25-27, 2024. Consuelo Fernandez MD, Cynthia Hamilton, PhD, Peter Hudoba MD. Click for ABSTRACT.
- Quality of Life SF36 Scores Improved using Calligraphy Meditation and Chanting Mantra – a Three years study; 21st International Conference of the Society for Integrative Oncology, Costa Mesa, USA, October 25-27, 2024. Peter Hudoba MD, FRCS; Cynthia Hamilton, PhD; Amy Yamashiro, EdD; Jamie Chow, BSc, Msc. Click for ABSTRACT.
- P. Hudoba, C. Hamilton, Z. G. Sha, Tao Calligraphy Tracing Meditation in Health Recovery, 30th Annual The Science of Consciousness by University of Arizona, Center for Consciousness Studies, April 22-27, 2024, Tucson Arizona, US. Click for ABSTRACT.
Research Conferences and Presentations 2021
- K. Balonwu, Comparative psychometric studies and questionnaires on the effects of Tao Calligraphy Tracing Meditation in patients with Unipolar Depression after 25 hours and 50 hours., European Journal of Integrative Medicine, Volume 48, 2021, 101964, ISSN 1876-3820, Click for ARTICLE.
- P. Hudoba, C. Hamilton, E. A. Yamashiro, and Jaime Chow, Meditation using Calligraphy and Chanting Mantra Improves Quality of Life – a Two years study, European Journal of Integrative Medicine, Volume 48, 2021, 101965, ISSN 1876-3820, Click for ARTICLE.
- Meditation using Calligraphy Tracing and Chanting Mantra Improves Quality of Life - A Two Year Study, European Congress for Integrative Medicine (ECIM). Nov 4-7, 2021, London, UK. Click for ABSTRACT.
- Comparative Psychometric Studies and Questionnaires on the Effects of Tao Calligraphy Tracing Meditation in Patients with Unipolar Depression After 25 Hours and 50 Hours (Preliminary Results Group 1). European Congress for Integrative Medicine (ECIM). Nov 4-7, 2021, London, UK. Click for ABSTRACT.
- Comparative Two Years Study Using Rand SF36 Quality of Life Questionnaire on the Effects of Tao Calligraphy Tracing Meditation, Society for Integrative Oncology 18th International Conference (SIO): "The Science of Living Well with Cancer." September 24-26, 2021, Baltimore, MD USA. Click for ABSTRACT.
- Tao Calligraphy and Mantra Chanting Improves EORTC QLQ-30 Quality of Life Scores for Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer, Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO) 2021 Annual Conference, Sept. 24-26, Baltimore, MD, USA. Click for ABSTRACT.
- Can Mindfulness Practice with Tao Calligraphy Brings a Sense of Satisfaction and Fulfillment for Clinical Research Workers & Provides a Sense of Belonging and Community for Breast Cancer Patients?, Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO) 2021 Annual Conference, Sept. 24-26, Baltimore, MD, USA. Click for ABSTRACT.
- Tao Calligraphy Tracing Meditation With Mantra Chanting Improves Scores of McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ) in 3 months, Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO) 2021 Annual Conference, Sept. 24-26, Baltimore, MD, USA. Click for PRESENTATION (pptx).
- Panel on A Well-Being Practicum: An Experiential Introduction to Yoga Coaching and Tao Calligraphy. 2nd Annual Hero’s Symposium, John P. Mayhugh Foundation, September 22, 2021, Washington, DC, USA.
Research Conferences and Presentations 2020
Note: Most in-person conferences in 2020 have been postponed due to the COVID-19 crisis.
- Tao Calligraphy Tracing Meditation With Mantra – a proposal of Health Improving Practice. Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine (AIHM), 2020 Virtual Annual Conference: People, Planet, Purpose, October 9-11, 2020, San Diego, CA, USA. Click here.
- Meditation using Calligraphy and Chanting Mantra Improves Quality of Life‚ a Two Year Study. Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine (AIHM), 2020 Virtual Annual Conference: People, Planet, Purpose, October 9-11, 2020, San Diego, CA, USA. Click for POSTER
- Tao Calligraphy Tracing Meditation With Mantra Chanting Improves Scores of McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ) in 3 months, 2020 Virtual Annual Conference: People, Planet, Purpose, October 9-11, 2020, San Diego, CA, USA. Click for POSTER
- Tao Calligraphy Case Presentation. 3rd Annual Hero’s JPMF Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, September 16, 2020. Click for Summary
Research Conferences and Presentations 2019
- Tao Calligraphy Tracing Meditation with Mantra Chanting in Post-Acute Rehabilitation. 2019 Aging in America Conference, April 15-18 2019, New Orleans, USA. Click Here
- Tao Calligraphy Tracing Meditation With Mantra Chanting Improves Quality of Life SF 36 Scores. ICCMR 2019: Pathways and Partnership May 7-10, 2019, Brisbane, Australia. Click for ABSTRACT
- Tao Calligraphy Tracing Meditation With Mantra Chanting Improves Quality of Life SF 36 Scores. 6th Annual Conference ICNM London July 5-7, 2019 - Where the best Natural Medicine world meets! Click for ABSTRACT
- Tao Calligraphy Tracing Meditation with Mantra Chanting Improves Quality of Life SF 36 Scores in 6 Months. 12th European Congress of Integrative Medicine, September 13-15, 2019, Barcelona, Spain. Click for ABSTRACT
- Tao Calligraphy Tracing Meditation With Mantra Chanting Improves Quality of Life SF 36 Scores. Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine, 2019 Annual Conference: People, Planet, Purpose, October 12-16, 2019, San Diego, CA, USA. Click for ABSTRACT
- Tao Calligraphy Tracing Meditation With Mantra – a proposal of Health Improving Practice. Society for Integrative Oncology: Advancing the Science & Art of Integrative Oncology, October 19-21, 2019. New York, NY, USA. Click Here
- Tao Calligraphy Tracing Meditation with Mantra Chanting Improves Quality of Life SF 36 Scores in 6 Months; Society for Integrative Oncology: Advancing the Science & Art of Integrative Oncology, October 19-21, 2019. New York, NY, USA. Click Here
Research Conferences and Presentations 2018
- Mindfulness Meditation using Chanting of Mantra, Aging in America Conference, March 26 - 29, 2018, San Francisco, CA, USA. Click Here
- Meditation and Health - Prospective Case Analysis Study 2018 International Congress on Integrative Medicine & Health, Baltimore, MD, May 8-11, 2018. Click Here
- Tao Calligraphy Tracing Meditation in Health Recovery, The Academy of Integrative Health (AIHM) Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, Sep 22-26, 2018. Click for ABSTRACT
- Tao Calligraphy Tracing Meditation in Health Recovery, 16th Annual International Restorative Medicine Conference; 2018 Trends in Nutrition, Pain Management, and Body Mind Therapies; Burlington, VT, Sept 27-30, 2018. Click for ABSTRACT
Research Conferences and Presentations 2017
- Peng Tzu Ancient Longevity System, A Way to Joyful Aging; 2017 ASA Aging in America Conference, March 20-24 2017. Click for ABSTRACT
- Does Spiritual Healing have a place in Modern age?" has been presented at the 2017 AIHM Annual Conference - People, Planet, Purpose being held October 22-25, 2017 in San Diego, CA. Click Here
Research Conferences and Presentations 2016
Research Conferences and Presentations 2008
3rd International Congress of Complementary Medicine Research 2008, Sydney, Australia, March 29-31, 2008. Click for ABSTRACT
3rd International Congress of Complementary Medicine Research 2008, Sydney, Australia, March 29-31, 2008. Click for PAPER
3rd International Congress of Complementary Medicine Research 2008, Sydney, Australia, March 29-31, 2008. Click for PAPER
Research Conferences and Presentations 2007
- 4th International Integrative Conference, Expanding Horizons in Collaborative Cancer Care. San Francisco, USA, November 15-17, 2007. Click for ABSTRACT
- The Quantum Mind 2007, Nature, University of Salzburg, Austria, July 17- 20 2007. Click for ABSTRACT (go to abstract # 93)
- 4th International Academic & Experiential Conference for Researchers & Practitioners, Nottingham University, Nottingham, UK, July 4-6 2007. Click for ABSTRACT
- The Integration: The Best Model for Health Care. Returning to Holism. University of Victoria, BC, Canada, May 25 - 27 2007. Click for PAPER
- The 2nd International Conference on Faith, Spirituality and Social Change. University of Winchester, Winchester, UK, April 14th 2007. Click for ABSTRACT
- Meeting the Global Challenge of Cancer. International Medical Assembly. United Nations Headquarters, New York NY, USA, April 3-5 2007.
- Body Space Medicine Symposium School of Health Professions, Behavioral and Life Sciences at NYIT New York, NY, USA, March 30 2007.
- Mini Symposium IN-CAM, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada February 2 2007. Click for ABSTRACT
Research Conferences and Presentations 2006
- 4th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Spirituality and Health: Interweaving Science, Wisdom and Compassion Vancouver, BC, Canada, November 9 - 11, 2006. Click for ABSTRACT
- 3rd Annual Research Symposium: Integrating CAM Research and Practice: Focus on Outcome Measures. A Enlightenment Scale. Calgary, Alberta, Canada, November 4-5, 2006. Click for ABSTRACT
- 3rd Annual Research Symposium: Integrating CAM Research and Practice: Focus on Outcome Measures. A Balanced Mix of Outcome Scales for Low Back Pain Assessment. Calgary, Alberta, Canada, November 4-5, 2006. Click for ABSTRACT
Research Conferences and Presentations 2001
1st World Symposium on Self Healing and Mental Abilities Iselin, New Jersey, NY, USA, June 8-10, 2007.