Amadea Stefa
Amadea Stefa is a social and integration educator, with expertise in adult and vocational education pedagogue. She developed a new integration project “Einklang der Herzen” in Austria. She also worked for a number of major companies: Max & Co GmbH, ZARA GmbH, Siemens, Telekom Austria, and UPC Telekabel Graz, Austria. At associations like IMV, Bfi Styria, ERFA, and Omega in Graz, Austria she worked in diversity management, crisis management, project management, evaluation, public speaking, facilitation, personal development, and health development. Currently she is working as a social integration teacher, as well as a public relations and human resources expert, trainer, coach, supervisor, adult educator, and art therapist for intercultural communication and competence.
She has Masters degree from University of Graz (KFUG) and Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt (AAUK).
She has Masters degree from University of Graz (KFUG) and Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt (AAUK).